Saturday, May 8, 2010

My new Gallery Birds!!! Yea ...Welcome George and Gracie!

These are my new "gallery birds"!  George and Gracie!  I just got them last night...I think they will love living at the much color and noise and people and attention!!! They are attention mongers!  Especially Gracie on the left.  She is a Quaker Parrot and George is a Love Bird.  George could care less... I think...about peoples attention...but Gracie wants to be loved totally!  They are both freaked out today..everything is too new...I am trying to give them their "space" to acclimate...but its so hard...Gracie is so fun!  She hasn't been worked with too much...but Quakers can really be big talkers.  So, we are going to work on far she has just imitated my laugh...which was hilarious!!  And she gives kisses...but that's all so far.  I have to do some reading about these birds so I can be the very best human friend they could have.  Quakers live to be about 30....Gracie is around 7. The love bird is around 4 yrs old...I don't know how long Love Birds live...I will find this all out...what a fun new journey!!!  Please come and check my new feathered friends out at the gallery!!

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